Conductor: Helen Jones (Musical Director of Riverland Choral Group).

According to recent research there are surprising health benefits of singing in a choir.Studies have shown that choral singing improves our mood, decreases our stress, depression and anxiety levels, while offering a sense of belonging that is not evident in singing alone.It can be a way of improving the quality of life for the older members of our society.To this end The Riverland Choral Group invites U3A members to join with them on Wednesdays to enjoy the benefits of a sense of well-being and happiness that singing in a group can bring to the participating individual.

Venue: Riverland Brass Band Hall, 1 Verran Tce, Berri

When: Wednesdays 1-3pm

To register your interest please contact Marian Woodberry: Phone: 0412 649 766  Email: woodduck32@gmail.com

Number per session: No limit. Everyone welcome.

Membership of U3A Riverland is preferred. Membership will also entitle you to free access to other U3A Riverland activities. Get a membership form Here!