Facilitator: Tim Baulderstone
Activity Content: In workshop sessions under the leadership of an experienced artist and craft worker construct floats on light-hearted themes for display in the Riverland Christmas Pageants and Parades of 2016/17 (or be made available to other U3A Groups for their purposes). The floats may be wearable or trailerable and the themes may be wide ranging. We envisage meeting weekly, if possible, and working in teams to build the floats at a central Riverland location.
Venue: Date: Time: All to be advised
Course Duration: Initial planning meeting in July or August. The main body (the float building workshops) of the proposed course is to run over 3 months (September - November 2016).
Number of Participants per Session: Up to 20 people in teams of two, three or four.
Pre-requisites: Membership of U3A Riverland
Student Expense: Free tuition / participation. Materials costs have been largely sponsored by a Grant from U3A Alliance South Australia. Participants may like to donate some locally sourced construction materials.
Register with Tony. Email: tonyguster@dodo.com.au
Phone:08 8586 6908 or 0447 781 820